all I really did for this website was using this tutorial by LearnCode.Academy. This might be one of the best teaching tools ever made. If you try to apply what he teaches in the video, you will be fine.

If you feel that building a website is daunting, thats fair. One thing that helped me was stopping caring about having pretty and optimized code. This is my website and my code will be ugly

Here is the link to it

so the coding of the website seems to be the easy part. I'm much too stuborn to pay for someone to host it, so I'm hosting it on a raspberry pi.

I followed a fireship tutorial that got me to the part that talks about how to deal with a static vs dynamic ip and its not looking good for me

I missed a vital step that I do in other projects:figuring out wth is going on

So cloudflare really seems to simply the process through "cloud tunneling". I have no clue what this means

it seems like it helps bypass the whole static/dynamic IP adress thing by routing traffic through cloudflare servers

so im gonna buy my domain ( from cloudflare

from this point on I'm following a tutorial for this

no hate to the fireship tutorial I probably did it wrong but the pimylifeup one is working much better for my non linux using self

so the website is up now and all the difficult parts were a skill issue on my end for not being able to follow instructions

just follow the pimylifeup instructions

so the website was up for a little less than a day, because the raspberry pi got unplugged and i gotta redo the whole thing

also screw the haters(certain linux helper) idc that my website is ugly

so the pi my life up stuff is very unneccesary, if you register your domain with cloudflare they can host if for you either through r2 or pages. This is hosted through pages