Figure out wth is going on

Whats the point of a project if you don't know whats going on?

In a Van De Graaff (Pardon any misspelling of van De Graaff), electricity is generated through the triboelectric effect. The contact happens between a roller and the belt.

the electricity or lack thereof is carried on the belt to the top of the Van De Graaff. The belt carries current towards the domb eqsue thing at the top and then goes near the brush. The brush doesn't touch the belt, rather it uses induction to reduce wear and tear

This is the basic jist, if you want to know more, you should probably look it up and figure it out. Learning stuff on your own is a really good skill to have

    Choose Materials

so im a nerd with a 3d printer and therefore 3d printed parts will appear through this project.

I got peer pressured by a certian someone in credits (you know who you are) to use a motor for this build. So obviosly im doing both a motor and a hand crank with afformentioned 3d printed parts. There is a band that will connect the hand crank/motor to a central roller, and that band will be able to be used on both

so for the belt/roller you want them to be on opposite sides of the triboelectric series. I'm (hopefully) using a sillicon rubber belt and nylon rollers

The big domb esque object at the top the van de graaff is important cause electrons will move in reaction to the charge of the belt. A certian person in credits also suggested using copper bowls for the top cause really good conductivity

Gonna buy plywood for putting everything down

get like two threaded rods to tension the belt

get wood screws and a drill cause I gotta mount stuff.

I'm gonna beg my engineering teacher with big pleading eyes for two ball bearings

    Gather Materials

so basically for everything but the motor im gonna go to lowes and ask the guy who looks like the average midwesterner to help me gather all the stuff listed above
